Whangaehu Bideford Catchment Group

About us

The Whangaehu Bideford Catchment Group was formed in January 2020.

These catchments include the Upper Taueru and Whangaehu rivers down to where the Taueru leaves Bideford at Sulphur Wells and Te Roto and the Whangaehu to the Masterton Castlepoint Road.


The Whangaehu and Bideford catchments are socially connected and have profitable mixed land use working harmoniously with the environment for healthy waterways and a thriving ecosystem.

Key Pillars

– Thriving ecosystem

– Willow free more natural rivers

– Healthy water

– Viable (economically)

– Connected socially and environmentally

Key Projects

The group are working on setting up a water and habitat sampling programme including eDNA tests and fish trapping.


Jamie Falloon – 027 490 7390