Restoration Day 2022 will be held here in the Wairarapa putting the spotlight on the amazing mahi happening in our special part of the region.
Restoration Day is an annual event led by Greater Wellington and the Department of Conservation in collaboration with a range of other organisations and agencies, celebrating the ecological restoration efforts of community groups and landowners in the Wellington region.
Introducing Tess Bunny – Restoration Day Event Coordinator
Wairarapa local, Tess Bunny has been appointed by Greater Wellington as the Event Coordinator and will be working with a committee to plan and organise a fantastic event for May 2022.

Tess Bunny out exploring our wild places
Tess is a long-time lover of nature having grown up on the family farm and exploring wild places. Tess has a background in landscape architecture, science communication and community conservation work. Tess’s experience and energy will be a great asset to Restoration Day 2022.
“I am super excited about this year’s event being held in the Wairarapa, it’s a great opportunity for us to make it uniquely Wairarapa and celebrate those that are doing the hard yards bringing the sparkle back into our backyard”.
Supported by Wairarapa Pūkaha to Kawakawa Alliance
The Wairarapa Pūkaha to Kawakawa Alliance is supporting Restoration Day 2022 and will be working closely with Tess and the organising committee to connect with our network of groups.
WaiP2K General Manager, Esther Dijkstra is looking forward to getting involved and showing off our unique projects, especially in our rural communities.
“Many private landowners in the Wairarapa are working hard to look after their land by planting trees and trapping pests. There is huge potential for our rural communities to work together with community groups and agencies to achieve large-scale restoration across catchments.
Restoration Day will be an important opportunity to showcase these projects, connect landowners and groups together and learn from each other to strengthen restoration work in the Wairarapa.”
Stay in the loop
Details for next year’s event will be announced in the new year. Sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep in the loop.