Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre
About us
Since its conception as the Mount Bruce reserve, the area today known as Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre has long been involved in captive breeding programmes for native species. Today our main focus is on re-establishing populations of native birds across New Zealand, and as such we are actively involved with other national-level groups and recovery programmes.
The goal of the restoration project is to restore the mauri (life essence) of the forest. We are doing this is by removing plant and animal pest species, increasing the number and species diversity of native flora and fauna within the Reserve and supporting Pūkaha’s captive breeding efforts.
The bottom line is that if we remove enough of the introduced pest species, our native species will thrive and take care of themselves (with a little help from us along the way).
Operation Nest Egg, kiwi
Breed for release programs for:
- Kiwi
- Kākā
- Red crowned kākāriki
- Yellow crowned kākāriki
- Orange-Fronted Parakeet
- Tūturuatu/Shore plover
- Whio, Blue Duck
- Pāteke / Brown Teal
Ongoing forest restoration