Mangatarere Restoration Society

Project description

The Mangatarere Restoration Society (MRS) was established in 2012 as a stream care group working to enhance the water quality of the Mangatarere Stream.

The group is made up of community members, farmers, industry and iwi.

Esther Dijkstra

Mangatarere Restoration Society Wairarapa Pukaha To Kawakawa
Map Graphic Pukaha Kawakawa V2


The Mangatarere catchment is in the Carterton district and is about 157 km2. The Mangatarere Stream originates in the Tararua Range which makes up nearly half of the catchment. Dry stock and dairy farming are undertaken on the rolling hill country and plains. Carterton township is also located in this catchment.

The Mangatarere Stream flows for some 31 km before its confluence with the Waiohine River at State Highway 2, south of Carterton township. The Enaki Stream, Kaipaitangata Stream and Beef Creek and some of the tributaries of the Mangatarere.