Friends of O’Connor’s Bush

About us

O’Connor’s Bush at Greytown Soldiers’ Memorial Park is a few hectares in size and is a fairly unique surviving area of Wairarapa lowland forest. The Bush has some majestic tōtara, miro, kōwhai, kānuka, tarata, tītoki and even a kahikatea or two. The story of its survival/preservation is one that brings out the best in a community. The Bush was due to be sold off but following community fundraising after World War One, it and the rest of the Memorial Park was purchased and set aside as public land in the early 1920s. The Bush itself has reserve status/protection under the Reserves Act.

The Friends were set up by Alisoun Werry around 30 years ago. We were then known as the “Friends of the Park.” Nowadays we call ourselves Friends of O’Connor’s Bush. We are a small dedicated group who meet monthly, usually on the first Saturday morning of the month, to do fairly low-level but vital conservation work in the bush. To be truthful, there are many weeds still rampant in the bush, and our work is “cut out”, so to speak, removing tradescantia – “Wandering Jew” in particular. 

Each year we try and do native planting in the Bush during Greytown’s Arbor day-week, beginning on 1 July. On July 3 2021 we planted 30 native shrubs and trees donated by Powerco. We were assisted by the Masterton team from ArbInnovations.

Photos: Mark Beatty Photography

More Information:

Frank Minehan – 027 2521084